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Uniform Policy


All students at the Colorado STEM Academy are expected to wear the designated uniform.  This consists of Colorado STEM Academy attire that has the school’s logo and has been provided by the school. The STEM Logo should be shown at all times. If students are not in proper STEM attire, students may borrow a STEM approved shirt from the office for the day. If not returned by the next school day, parents will be notified and charged for the shirt. Students should wear appropriate bottoms based on district policy. Shoes and socks should be appropriate to the weather. Students will need closed toed shoes for PE and technology education classes. Students should dress appropriately for the weather so that they are comfortable and able to complete school work without disturbing others.  In the winter, this includes items such as a coat, hat, gloves and boots. While students are allowed to wear hooded sweatshirts and jackets outside during recess, hoods are not allowed to be worn on student’s heads while students are within the school building.  Hats are not allowed within the school building, but can be worn outside during recess. Good personal grooming and clothing habits allow students to be more productive on a consistent basis, and in addition, boosts their self esteem. For any questions regarding the dress code, please refer to the Westminster Public Schools Dress Code Policy. Repeated dress code violations will be considered insubordination and may result in further discipline or suspension.